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Cylinder (LGC) Clock

Cylinder 3 LGC.jpg
Cylinder 3 close up LGC.jpg

Uses the electronics from LGC but replaces individual NeoPixels with Dotstar strips. There are 12 clear acrylic discs that are frosted around the outside perimeter and separated by spacer discs (made from wood or opaque black acrylic). The Dotstar strips (hatched blue) are snugly held in place inside a trough cut into the disc. The wires (red) are fed through the center hole (shown as a light grey tube). The discs are assembled from the bottom up. Three rigid rods running the length of the stack are used to align all discs. Rods have threaded ends so the entire stack can be "clamped" together. There may be a thin clear silicon sheet/gasket placed between the spacer discs and clear acrylic discs in order to prevent light leak. If black acrylic is used for spacer discs the base and top cap could be made from wood. The top cap would hide the ends of the threaded rods and be glued to the top of the stack of acrylic discs.

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