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-Love is the Bridge-

Luke with Sadie cropped - Copy.jpeg

"Lukie" is named for my beloved pet of 11 years who passed

away suddenly on August 30, 2021. Luke will always be

missed and never replaced. I miss him with all my heart.


Lukie is based on two stepper motor driven linear actuators.  At the end of 1 hour and 12 hours respectively, the minute (right) and hour (left) arrows return to their starting point at the top of their respective scales. The minute hand advances once each minute. The clock is programmed to display the homing sequence when the silver button is pushed- the motors home to the very bottom, move to the bottom end of the scale, up to the top of the scale and finally on to the current time.  Two buttons on the back are used for setting the time.

Linear Clock (1).JPG
Scales for Linear Clock Finals_Page_3 cropped.jpg

Time Scale

Linear Clock - front.JPG
Linear clock - back.JPG

Setting The Time

Time Lapse of Clock Running

Linear Clock Clear Top Vitrine 4 Sided 6
Linear Clock Clear Top Vitrine 4 Sided 6
3D Rendering

Some of The Early Designs

Linear Clock Rectilinear Case 1_Page_12.
Linear Clock Rectilinear Case 1_Page_11.
Linear Clock Exposed Tracks_Page_06.jpg
Linear Clock Rectilinear Case 1_Page_8.j
Linear Actuator Clock_Page_3.jpg
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